Interview411 - Free Tools And Resources For Building A Better Career
Deciding Your Career Goals

Great careers don't happen by accident - they take forethought and planning. The good news is that the planning process is both rewarding and easy, and having a roadmap for your career goals will make them much easier to achieve.The first step in planning career is deciding what you want to do.

Did you know that people who set specific goals for themselves often achieve them?  It's true.  The simple process of defining what it is that you want and deciding what steps will take you there gives you a path to follow, and once your mind has decided on a specific objective, it will work overtime uncovering the opportunities to take you there.

Without a career plan, you are simply moving from job to job.  A career plan will help you build your skills and experience so each job builds on the one before it and you will continually be moving into jobs that are more aligned with where you want to be. A career plan helps give focus and can help make any job more rewarding.  Even if your current position isn't your final destination, knowing that your work today is paving the way for the job of your dreams can be very rewarding.

The first step in creating your career roadmap is deciding on the destination.  This is the most important part in the process, so make sure you give it your full attention.

1. Take a little time to daydream.

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? What jobs do you think are the most fun?  Get a notebook and jot down any thoughts and ideas that come to mind.  Forget about money, education and experience for now. Just concentrate on uncovering ideas for jobs that you would find interesting and exciting if nothing could stand in your way.

2. What do you like to do?

Think about the things you do for fun.  What are your hobbies and interests? What kind of books do you like to read? What kind of movies do you like? Jot these down and give some thought to what it is you like about these activities.  

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