Interview411 - Free Tools And Resources For Building A Better Career
Preparing for the Interview to Get a Competitive Edge

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Speaking Intelligently About the Company: 

Even if you can’t find one good way to map your background to the company and the job, you will still be ahead of the pack because you can speak intelligently about the company.   Find ways to work your knowledge into the conversation with the interviewer. 

Use the buzzwords and acronyms you saw on the website.  Ask about the recent award the company just won that you read about in one of the press releases.  Mention the article you read by one of the company founders, which you found by searching in a newsgroup.   Ask if you’ll be working with folks in the different departments you learned about from the job listings or a friend who works there.  Show that you’ve done your homework and that you understand not only the position you’re being considered for, but the company as a whole. 

Many people come to the interview table with only a vague idea of what the company even does. Your preparation will make you shine.  The hiring manager will be better able to visualize you as an employee because you’ve helped them along by pointing out how well you fit and shown them that you understand what they are looking for.  By using “insider” language and speaking about specific departments, products, and other items the interviewer is closely involved with, you sound less like a stranger and more like someone who already works at the company.  If nothing else, you’ve shown that you’re serious about the position and have done your homework.  The fact that you have put some serious research into learning about the company won’t be lost on the hiring manager.  If you bring that level of professionalism to an interview, they can’t help but think you’ll bring that and more to a paying position! 

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